My Curriculum Vitae

My LinkedIn profile:

Curriculum Vitae in PDF format is available here


PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics
University of Toronto 2020-2024 (Ongoing)
MSc in Astronomy & Astrophysics
University of Toronto 2019-2020
BSc in Physics & Astronomy
University of Toronto 2014-2019


ICML 2024 Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wildp Vienna, Austria
Jul 2024
Contributed Talk
NeurIPS 2023 Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop New Orleans, USA
Dec 2023
Contributed Talk
Debating the Potential of Machine Learning in Astronomical Surveys Flatiron Institute in New York, USA
Nov 2023
Contributed Talk
Asteroseismology in the Era of Surveys from Space and the Ground KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium
May 2022
Contributed Talk
Artificial Intelligence for Astronomy European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching, Germany
July 2019


2019 Fall: Teaching Assistant for AST101H1: The Sun and Its Neighbours

2019-2024 Summer/Winter: Teaching Assistant for AST201H1: Stars and Galaxies

2022-2024: Teaching Assistant for AST251: Life on Other Worlds

2023: Teaching Assistant for AST301: Observational Astronomy

2020-2021: Teaching Assistant for AST325/326: Practical Astronomy

2015-2017: Director of Observation, UofT Amateur Astronomers' Society

Featured Co-curricular:

2019-2023: Tea Master & Webmaster, UofT Graduate Astronomy Students Association

2017-2018: Vice President, UofT Astronomy & Space Exploration Society

2016-2018: Vice President, UofT St. George Squash Club

2015-2018: Multiple Roles, UofT Footprint Publication

2016-2017: Observing Director, UofT Astronomy & Space Exploration Society

2015-2017: Director of Observation, UofT Amateur Astronomers' Society

Henry On the News:

Toronto Star, April 2017: Toronto's view of Lyrid meteor shower peaks this weekend

I was mentioned in the news for providing expert opinion

Toronto Star, Feburary 2017: Skies will host celestial triple header this weekend

I was mentioned in the news for providing expert opinion

Hong Kong Government Press Release, July 2013: US students in Digital Skies Student Partnership project arrive in Hong Kong (with photo)

I was appeared in the news for being in an excahnge program with US Chabot Space & Science Center

Hong Kong Government Press Release, March 2013: Students participating in digital skies partnership project to depart for US on astronomy cultural exchange

I was appeared in the news for being in an excahnge program with US Chabot Space & Science Center